Tuesday, October 25, 2011

TU Tuesday

Tree-devouring Chinese beetle reaches Albany County

decimated millions

decimated: to destroy a great number

vicinity for potential

instituting a quarantine
quarantine: a strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease

small but destructive

signs of infestation

This article is about Chineese beetles that have killed millions of ash trees and one of these bugs have been found in New York. This bug has been brought in on cargo shipments through the Great Lakes. In 2008 NY banned the transport of untreated firewood. If the emerald ash borer  keeps spreading out 900 million ash trees will be in jepordy which is about 7% of the states forest. This bug population needs to be controlled before trees get destroyed.
The impact the author has a way to change the tone of the writing with the word choice. When they bigger words it makes the atricle sound more scientific than it really is such as saying decimated millions. This just tells us the bug destroyed millions of trees. Whent he author says  "instituting a quarantine"  they mean they want to stop the spread of disease but the word choice changes the way a reader reades the article as well as the tone.

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