Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Story Starters

Everybody said the old Bosworth mansion was haunted..I didn't believe them so I decided to find out myself.
The walk over was dark and spooky. The crisp Halloween night had sounds lerking in the woods on either side of me. But, I wasn't scared. I was ready to debunk the theory of the gohst in the old Bosworth mansion. My friends tried to intimidate me saying how scary it was the last time they went, it didn't work but I decided to go alone, I didn't need anyone else to get scared in the mansion. If my parents ever found out they would censure me for sure, I needed ot be sly on this trip. Get in and out. There was an accessable door in the back that looked as if it hadn't been used in years. It creeked open and thats when i saw.. nothing. I decided to turn on my flashlight to meitigate the fear that was lurking inside me. The sounds I herd were not mellifluous yet they were remote. I had no idea where they were coming from. I could hear children roaming the streats and faint "Trick Or Treats". As I walked further into the mansion I started to relax, there was nothing to be afraid of, it was just a regular house, fully furnished with a little dust. Not two minnutes later was there a din because the chandelier fall right before my feet. I convinced myself it was just a coincidence. Three closets later I started to hear footsteps following me, when i moved it moved, when i stopped, it stopped but every time i turned around there was nothing. "Hello" i called  but recieved nothing but the wind howling return. The curtains started moving and the chairs rocking. From the outside I was nonchalant but my inside was wary but I was trying to mollify the situation. I didnt want to admit it, but i was scared. The mansion was haunted. I can now tell from experience. I ran the entire way home and I wasnt even worried about the consequences that would follow. I was getitng out of there as fast as I could.  The old Bosworth mansion was haunted..

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