Thursday, September 29, 2011

A poem for 6 A.M.

6:00 a.m. My alarm clock is the mocking bird sining a new song, the unmistakable signal that it's time to start the day, breakfast on the table and clothes picked out means I'm ready for what's to come about. 
7:00 a.m. The drive to school seems so long as I watch the time slowly tick by. Its 7:30 and I'm just turning into school, doesn't seem too late but there's still so much to do. The walk down the hall is never ending  as hard as I try I never seem to get to class on time.
8:00 a.m. Still in class, although still wishing i was curled in bed because of all the work i did the night before.
9:00  brings change although I wouldn't say for the better. Starting to get hungry, the day still beginning , 9:00 drags on and on.
10:00 Same teacher same stuff boring as always, I watch the second hand move around and around never bringing the favorite bell. 
11:00 almost there bring hopes of the end of the day, lunch is beginning if you have first finally a time for socializing with our friends.
12:00 -2:00 is a blur but from two on its just fun, talking to friends or outside in the sun
3:00 means its time for practice something we've been dreading since the start of the day, two hours of running seems crazy to some but yes its my second year.
5:30 means freedom and time to go home with so much to do and so little time, all i want is dinner and a lime

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