Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pep Talk

"Hi-five yourself"
The Hall's cough drop wrapers have inspirational quotes to get the ones feeling ill, out of their slump. One of the quotes that I chose was "Hi-five yourself". I chose this because it relates to my life. I think people in your life come and go as they please, they don't always care about your feelings and arent always sensative to things your going through. Everyone of us are trying to work hard to accomplish things of all sizes and importances but the people in your life don't always care or know what your going through. Its still important to do your best and push through the hardships, when you do this there will be someone to congradulate your but when others arent there for you, its your job to pat yourself on the back or hi-five yourself to assure yourself that you accomplished something great.

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