Thursday, November 17, 2011

Opinion Prompt 3.

Caffeine is a drug that should be monitored in teens.

I strongly disagree with this statement. Caffeine is a drug yes, but I don't think the addiction to coffee is severe. If caffeine was monitored in teens, I think first class in the morning would be worse than it is now. It helps people get up and moving on a cold dark winter morning. Coffee is delicious hot or cold. Cream or Black. Caffeine is also in soda, a dink thagt many people enjoy. Especially teens. I don't think caffeine should be monitored because soda is a drink that is enjoyed every day, or on special occasions and is a fun thing to have. If it was monitored I think caffeine would be consumed as much as it is now because of coffee and soda. Also parents will still buy it for themself so it would be at easy access to any teen.

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